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A Brief History
of the Presbyterians
Paperback - 176 pages (November 1996)
An Introduction to the Reformed Tradition : A Way of Being the Christian Community
Paperback - 264 pages (March 1995)
Paperback - 434 pages Revised edition (July 1994)
Creeds of Christendom
by Phillip
This set covers far more than Presbyterian beliefs. It is a survey of all the major Creeds of Christendom over the centuries.
Library Binding Revised edition (February 1990)
Confessions Harmonized
by Joel R. Beeke (Editor), Sinclair B.
Ferguson (Editor)
Book Description Despite the acknowledged importance of confessional statements throughout church history, the most significant of these documents have never before been published in a single volume. Now Drs. Beeke and Ferguson have harmonized seven important Reformed confessions into a convenient parallel arrangement.
The seven confessions were produced by three different strands among the European churches. From the Dutch-German reformers came the Belgic Confession of Faith (1561), the Heidelberg Catechism (1563), and the Canons of Dort (1618-19). The Swiss churches contributed the Second Helvetic Confession (1566). And the Scottish-English tradition was set down in the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646-47) and the Larger and Shorter Westminster Catechisms (1647).
The unique feature of this volume is the editors arrangement of the various confessions in parallel columns under the traditional subject headings of systematic theology. Readers can compare the formulations on particular points of doctrine, such as the trinity, justification, Christian liberty, and baptism. While elaborating the differences that existed between the various national churches, the comparisons also underscore the fundamental unity regarding the basic tenets of the faith.
This confessional harmony is further enhanced by the editors historical introduction to the subject. They also provide an extensive annotated bibliography of Reformed theological writings that will serve as a useful guide for readers who desire to undertake further study. In all, this is an important resource for students and pastors interested in the historical foundations of the Reformed tradition.
Paperback -
304 pages (July 1999)
Baker Book House; ISBN: 080105222X
Documents of
the Christian Church
Bettenson gives a brief synopsis of Christian documents and controversies since the apostles.
Paperback 2nd edition (December 1970)
Oxford Univ Pr (Trade); ISBN: 0195012933 ;
Dimensions (in inches): 0.74 x 8.01 x 5.36
Institutes of the Christian Religion/One-Volume Edition
Here in a convenient one-volume edition is John Calvin's magnum opus. Written as an
introduction to the Christian life, the Institutes remains the best articulation of
Reformation principles and is a marvelous introduction to biblical Christianity.
- 704 pages 1 Vol Ed edition (May 1995)
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.; ISBN: 0802881661 ;
Dimensions (in inches): 2.30 x 8.97 x 6.04
Presbyterians, Their History and Beliefs
by Walter
Lee Lingle, John
W. Kuykendall
Paperback Revised edition (March 1995)
We Believe : A Study of the Book of Confessions for Church Officers
by Harry
W. Eberts
Paperback - 124 pages Revised
edition (February 1994)
Westminster John Knox Pr; ISBN: 0664253741 ;
Dimensions (in inches): 0.43 x 7.97 x 5.26
Reading the Bible and the Confessions : The Presbyterian Way
Paperback (June 1999)
What Unites
Presbyterians : Common Ground for Troubled Times
Paperback - 192 pages (July 1997)
The Apostles' Creed: Do You Really Believe It?
Paperback - 143 pages (1977)
Victor Books; ISBN: 0-88207-748-1